Monday, January 10, 2011

African Kuoni Holidays

I have never really understood why sane, typical, suburban or upper-middle class American citizens would voluntarily go on Kuoni holidays to someplace like Africa. It's so not America, so not western world. Those kinds of Kuoni holidays I just don't understand. I understand why Americans want to take Kuoni holidays to the Maldives, Thailand, and lots of other places. But a place that is stereotyped as so bare, so simple, so poverty stricken (even though I'm sure that it is much more westernized in reality than we like to think of it, that is as being so Sahara). I just couldn't figure it out.
I understand why people are attracted to the wide open spaces, the beauty despite the harshness, the exotic animals, and perhaps even the people who manage to be eternally alive and happy and present, generation after generation, despite difficult conditions. But why people would actually want to go stay there? Why people with air-conditioning, even in their cars, and with pest control and protection from the elements, with hospitals and fire fighters and police nearby no matter where they go in the country, why these people would chose to go someplace without all of this is beyond me.
Granted, some of them chose to go on Kuoni holidays to places in Africa with these things, like South Africa or other of the more prosperous African countries. And that makes much more sense to me. But the typical suburban family of four or five going on Kuoni holidays safaris? No way! Kids used to MP3 players, XM radio, malls, cell phone service, Direct TV, and every other comfortable American amenity would have a hard time adjusting, even if they were on Kuoni holidays. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if many of them are shocked by the conditions they have to put up with (a dirty bathroom? Eew!).
Well, I may not know why most people chose to do something like this (not that a large number of people do, but I digress), but I think it would be one of the more fun Kuoni holidays. Because it would (hopefully) be one of the less wealthy-westerner-resort style Kuoni holidays. I would love to be able to go on one of these someday, though I am not holding my breath in hope or anticipation. Even if I could save up the money, I'm still skeptical. Very. But, it would be one of the greater of the Kuoni holidays.

Baros - Maldives hotel video - Kuoni Holidays Travel

There is something so surreal about Kuoni holidays in a place like the Maldives. You just have to see a video to know that this place is so different from our day to day life. And that is probably why most of us dream of Kuoni holidays, or a cruise, or Hawaii. We long for surreal and our lives are so not surreal. And the fact that Kuoni holidays makes it so darn easy to just pay the money and show up somewhere that is like a western-travelers dream world fantasy is just so appealing. It's beautiful, it's demand free, and it can be within our reach if we can just save up the money and take off the time. Who doesn't want that?
As if the beautiful beaches and trees and sky and water weren't a tempting enough for Kuoni holidays, we see the rooms we would stay in, the beds, the couches, the porches, the walls, the doors, the windows; it's like every detail of the Kuoni holidays is designed for us, for our pleasure, for our fantasy, for our pleasure. And don't we all want to be in a place that caters to our every whim, that is completely designed to make us feel happy, even if it is only for a week or a month? Isn't that what we think of paradise, that it is like Kuoni holidays?
Not really, actually. I think of paradise as being less like Kuoni holidays and more like reality. More like reality like reality was meant to be. So I think of the ideal vacation as being less like Kuoni holidays and more like moving (only on a much smaller and more temporary scale). I like being able to make the decisions for myself about where I will stay, what size room, for how many days, with how many amenities, etc. My ideal holidays are not Kuoni holidays where I pick one of their itineraries, but where I make my own, quite possibly on a day by day basis. I tend to live day by day. In my ideal vacation I can change my mind halfway through without feeling like I'm losing out on money I'd invested. I can switch hotels, go home, rent a cabin, go stay with a friend then come back again, skip out on my planned activities or add more activities, and it won't matter.
And even if Kuoni holidays let me do all of these things, there is just an independent streak in me that would much rather do all of that myself anyway. Sometimes even when I have absolutely no money or anything to save by doing it myself. Occasionally even when I would actually lose money by being so freakishly, stubbornly independent and not taking Kuoni holidays instead.

Fun Kuoni Holidays

As fun as Kuoni holidays are, they are more fun when shared with friends. Friends can joke with you about the sights you see, harass you while you wait for dinner, prod you into participating when you'd rather veg out by the pool, and in general keep you from either overdoing or under-doing your Kuoni holidays. Friends can make you more responsible, as you have to do this for them too. Unless of course you're a bunch of reckless college kids. In that case, friends will probably make you less responsible (so, kids, don't do stereotypical spring break until you're old enough to behave yourselves).
Plus, when you take Kuoni holidays with friends, you make memories that you can rehash and relive over and over for years and years (and hopefully for a lifetime). That is something special, a bonding experience, that only you can ever remember. You can tell other people, you can bring them into the memories, but it's not the same as having actually been there with one another, having lived through the experiences, good bad and ugly, and now looking back and laughing about all of it.
When you take Kuoni holidays, or any kind of holidays, with friends, you take a learning journey with them. Doing anything with another human being has the potential to become a learning experience. Sure, we don't usually learn a lot all at once, and usually it takes a long time for us to fully realize all of those little lessons we learned over the years, but there is something special about having learned together. You might learn about the people there, you might learn about your friends, you might learn about yourselves together, or you might learn about the horrible customer service of travel agencies. Who knows. But you will have learned and lived together.
There is something powerful about living in community together, and if you can't stomach the thought of actually living with people, you could probably benefit from at least living with them for a little while. Take a family vacation, take a friends vacation, take a couples vacation, and see what it is like to live in community. You'll probably save money, and there almost certainly will be a lot of stuff you don't like. But if you look with your inside eyes open, you might see some good things about community. You might even become addicted.

Thailand videos - Overview of Thailand holidays - Kuoni Holidays Travel

Nothing says exotic like southeast asia, and Kuoni holidays Thailand vacation is one of those that truly screams adventure and exotic getaway. Most of us, though, spend our lives wishing we had the money to take Kuoni holidays. However, if you are smart and creative and willing to put a little more elbow grease, you can get a vacation almost as good as Kuoni holidays, but for a much more manageable price. In fact, if you are an earth-friendly, culture-friendly, blue-collar traveler like me, a self-planned vacation, while it may be more of a hassle than Kuoni holidays, can be much more worth it and more interesting and exciting in the long run. You may not have a detailed itinerary for every day, but you can then make your own (if you are the itinerary person, which I'm not really). You may not be in expensive, fancy western resort-style hotels, but staying in the out-of-the-way and low-key places owned by locals can give you a more authentic experience than the Kuoni holidays can afford you. Why fly halfway around the world to stay someplace that looks just like America?
There are lots of places to visit on Kuoni holidays, and Thailand is no exception. But you don't need Kuoni holidays to visit temples or see festivals; assuming these places are not free to get into, assuming they are not even easy to get into, we are Americans with American determination which can do us a big favor if we use it to our advantage (instead of just using our big bucks to get Kuoni holidays). No, we shouldn't just assume we can get into anything or do anything with enough money. But perhaps with enough tact, persistence, and money...well, it's worth a try.
Don't forget to enjoy the beauty of the place too. It is not worth going anywhere, Kuoni holidays or no, if we do not remember to appreciate the real and natural beauty of the place. Beaches, mountains, forests, lakes, rivers, plains, gardens, whatever there is, if you are around it do not forget to appreciate it. It would be a shameful, horrid waste to get home from vacation only to realize that in a few weeks or months you can barely remember what the best vacation of your life looked like (aside from the pictures that hopefully you were wise enough to take; when it comes to camera use, it is worth looking like a foolish American tourist to get a billion and nine pictures).
And, if at all possible, your trip will be mightily enriched if you actually learn something while there. You may not be able to learn the language (and thankfully there are interpreters for that) and you may not know the place's entire history, but you can learn wherever you are. You may not learn what you think you will, and perhaps what you learn may seem rather commonplace compared to the exotic location. But sometimes the most ordinary epiphanies can bring the most extraordinary changes. Perhaps just discovering that you can plan your own vacation without Kuoni holidays or anyone else will help empower you to try more in your life.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy Kuoni Holidays!

Christmas has just left us for another year, and the one thing I didn't get in my stocking this year that I would have loved (although I most certainly did not expect to get one) was one of the Kuoni holidays. There's something that would make a lovely gift any time of the year; a holiday to an exotic location, someplace faraway and exciting, new and fresh and beautiful (and hopefully with a temperate climate; I hate feeling the muggy heat of a humid climate, and I don't especially care to be cold either). But with one of the Kuoni holidays you can choose your own location or locations, set your own unique travel plans, and that is something that I've always thought would be really cool; a vacation that is totally and one hundred percent me. After all, who could plan your Kuoni holidays for you better than you could?
I would plan my Kuoni holidays to someplace tropical, but not too warm or humid (see above). Ideally I'd like to visit multiple locations, but stay at each of them 2-4 weeks. That would be one serious holiday! But that's my idea of a real holiday; one that stretches for longer than a few days or a week. I'd like to spend most of my time on my Kuoni holidays on the beach, or at least outside somewhere, and in a fairly private location. Nothing screams poorly planned holiday more than an overpopulated beach, in my opinion.
I don't like the idea of Kuoni holidays that are spent just touristing (yes, it's a word I just made up for a reality we've all seen or experienced). But on the other hand, the holidays spent entirely in a hotel or in the hotel pool are as much of a waste of a lovely opportunity. You could stay in a hotel in your own city, or at least your own country, for crying out loud. Why spend all of this time and money getting out of the country if you're going to live just exactly as if you were still there? Why visit a non-Western culture if you are going to stick purely to the most Westerly aspects of their culture? No, make your holidays the best holidays by experiencing the differences. Take your Kuoni holidays and turn them into adventures of a lifetime. Do things you wouldn't do, like spend a whole day reading on a beach, or riding a bicycle around the entire island, or trying to learn basic sentences in their language (assuming you are in a non-English speaking country). Turn it into an event to remember for the whole family.
Or, the other good fallback for me, turn it into a spiritual event. I don't mean something religious, just a total break for your mind and your body. Don't worry about touring anything, don't worry about getting reading done, but also don't stay cooped up in a hotel or some other sterile environment. Get out in nature and let go, let your mind take a vacation from the constant stuff it has to be doing. Either way, it'll be a vacation to remember.

Maldives - Kuoni Holidays Travel

From what I've heard Kuoni holidays have to be some of the best holidays. They have so many destinations you can go to, individualized vacation plans, and a good quality reputation as a long-standing company. Call me a stick in the mud, but sometimes security is an important part of planning a romantic luxurious holiday. Without peace of mind are you really taking a vacation? Kuoni holidays are great holidays.
They can also be pricey holidays, though of course you pay for price. But Kuoni holidays in the Maldives can't be that much more expensive than any other kind of trip to the Maldives. Some of these types of holidays are just inherently expensive. But if you save up and if you can afford it, I'm sure it would be well worth it.
I plan on taking a nice beach vacation on some place like the Maldives some day, some day when I've saved up enough money to take a month or two off and travel far away. Kuoni holidays may be just the right option. If the old adage is true that you get what you pay for, it may be worth it to pay for Kuoni holidays.
Unfortunately, Kuoni did not do so well financially in 2009, and I'm not sure a 2010 statement has been issued, so hopefully they will still be in business by the time I get around to saving enough money to take one of the many available Kuoni holidays. This is probably related to the global economy at present. Hopefully that will level out in a few years without too much fallout on companies like Kuoni. Then I can take Kuoni holidays later in my life.
If I were to take Kuoni holidays, I would start with someplace on a beach, like the Maldives. I would want to explore many of their beaches, actually. After the islands and the beaches I would want to start in southern Asian Kuoni holidays (Japan, China, etc.). It has always been a dream of mine to visit Japan, though I am not absolutely certain that there are any Kuoni holidays offered there. It seems likely, but then again one can never know for sure. Failing southern Asia, I would like to visit much of Europe. Places like Italy, France, England, Scotland, Ireland, Spain, and Switzerland are all places I have dreamed of going, and indeed hope to travel too before I am old and retired. I think it better to do the things you spend your whole life dreaming of before you are so old that it is difficult for you to get out and enjoy things as you did in your youth.
My ultimate holiday would be a mash up of all of the Kuoni holidays. Take a whole year just to travel, possibly more than a year, to see all there is to see and experience a variety of cultures. Actually, it might take a lifetime to do what I want to do, which is to spend more than just a few days in any one location. I would ideally like to spend at least a couple of weeks in each place, getting to know the people and the culture. That would be my ideal Kuoni holiday; a lifetime holiday.