Monday, January 10, 2011

Baros - Maldives hotel video - Kuoni Holidays Travel

There is something so surreal about Kuoni holidays in a place like the Maldives. You just have to see a video to know that this place is so different from our day to day life. And that is probably why most of us dream of Kuoni holidays, or a cruise, or Hawaii. We long for surreal and our lives are so not surreal. And the fact that Kuoni holidays makes it so darn easy to just pay the money and show up somewhere that is like a western-travelers dream world fantasy is just so appealing. It's beautiful, it's demand free, and it can be within our reach if we can just save up the money and take off the time. Who doesn't want that?
As if the beautiful beaches and trees and sky and water weren't a tempting enough for Kuoni holidays, we see the rooms we would stay in, the beds, the couches, the porches, the walls, the doors, the windows; it's like every detail of the Kuoni holidays is designed for us, for our pleasure, for our fantasy, for our pleasure. And don't we all want to be in a place that caters to our every whim, that is completely designed to make us feel happy, even if it is only for a week or a month? Isn't that what we think of paradise, that it is like Kuoni holidays?
Not really, actually. I think of paradise as being less like Kuoni holidays and more like reality. More like reality like reality was meant to be. So I think of the ideal vacation as being less like Kuoni holidays and more like moving (only on a much smaller and more temporary scale). I like being able to make the decisions for myself about where I will stay, what size room, for how many days, with how many amenities, etc. My ideal holidays are not Kuoni holidays where I pick one of their itineraries, but where I make my own, quite possibly on a day by day basis. I tend to live day by day. In my ideal vacation I can change my mind halfway through without feeling like I'm losing out on money I'd invested. I can switch hotels, go home, rent a cabin, go stay with a friend then come back again, skip out on my planned activities or add more activities, and it won't matter.
And even if Kuoni holidays let me do all of these things, there is just an independent streak in me that would much rather do all of that myself anyway. Sometimes even when I have absolutely no money or anything to save by doing it myself. Occasionally even when I would actually lose money by being so freakishly, stubbornly independent and not taking Kuoni holidays instead.

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